Best Camera Apps for Android

Best Camera Apps for Android

We collect the best Android camera application to take full advantage of the possibilities offered photographic our smartphone.
Increasingly, smartphones are becoming not only a tool with which to call or navigate, but in which we also find many more services for which was needed before a device. One of those possibilities is to take pictures using only our own mobile.

Smartphones without cameras now allow for the market once dominated by low-end compact / media. Previously compact for two simple reasons were used; they were transported and allowed to have a decent quality more than most mobile of the time.

But the balance has changed, and now most smartphones allow the needs who were previously fulfilled with these compact. Take a picture and host it on a social network has never been so easy.

Therefore, we will try to gather the best Android camera application, which will allow us to replace in some cases, very limited app that comes preinstalled factory in our smartphone.

Google camera 

Let's start with the most basic, Google camera is an app based on material design that in many cases will be more than enough for most users.

Depending on the characteristics of our device will be enabled features like Photo Sphere, which will allow us to create a panorama using both horizontal and vertical axes.

Manual Camera

Manual Camera is specially designed to take advantage of the API released with Lollipop for Nexus Nexus 5 and 6. Thus, we can control things like shutter speed or sensitivity manually.

Likewise, also you save files in RAW format, which is useful if you want to have as much information as possible for further editing. Of course, we must consider that also impact on the weight of the file obtained after shooting.

Perfectly Clear

With Perfectly Clear you can do something that already includes official default iPhone camera and personally consider of great importance when you take a photo, I mean independently control the exposure and focus. That is, if we have a mobile exhibition that allows a timely manner, it will measure only the area where we previously marked focus.

This app, and offers a library and gallery of filters incorporates a camera that can be very useful if we take a snapshot controlling the light in a certain way.


Although most VSCO known for its properties as Cam editing program, the app also incorporates a camera that gives very good results.

As was the case with that of Google, VSCO camera has an aesthetic and very simple function, but may also be sufficient. In addition, the application can be configured from the settings to be open directly into the camera mode, thus relegating their editing into the background.

Camera FV-5

According to its creators, FV-5 Camera tries to transfer the experience of a DLSR to a mobile application. Therefore, incorporating features such as braketing to take the same scene with different exposures, or different modes (program or priority exposure time) that will define the features of our decision.

In addition, as was the case with Manual Camera, this app also allows you to use manual controls and RAW shooting, but only with devices that Google has enabled this function, LG and Motorola Nexus 5 Nexus 6.

Long Exposure Camera2

Though the design of Long Exposure Camera 2 is somewhat outdated, it supports the app during a photo shoot for a long time for images exposed

However, the free version of this app a significantly reduced quality of images obtained by limiting aspects such as resolution or even placing a watermark.

Camera MX

Finally, Camera MX is an application that can be used from Android 2.3 Gingerbread, so it will be compatible with most devices that operating system.

It also includes interesting effects like tilt shift used to blur the edges of an image and focus attention on the center, or little planet, making our image in a ground ball with a planet-like appearance.

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